Breast Revision in Austin TX
Many Women seek Breast Augmentation to achieve a more natural shape to their breasts, boost their self-confidence, and improve how they feel in clothing. However, some surgeries might not produce the results you were looking for. There might have been complications with the surgery or just dissatisfaction with the size, shape or volume of the procedure. If you’re looking for an upgrade or correction of a previous breast surgery, Dr. Mosier specializes in Breast Revision surgery which will help you achieve the results you originally sought. Contact us today to setup your Free Consultation for Breast Revision in Austin TX.
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What is a Breast Revision Surgery?
Through Breast Revision Surgery, Dr Mosier performs a variety of changes to improve the shape, volume and aesthetic of your breasts. Some of the benefits of breast revision surgery include:
- Removing implants to allow you to return to your original breast size
- Increasing or decreasing the size of your implants
- Changing your implant type
- Repositioning your implants for improved symmetry and shape
- Removing hardened tissue formed by capsular contracture
Since Dr. Mosier is uses a combination of techniques, Breast Revision will typically take longer than other similar procedures. But through this, you can trust Dr. Mosier to be thorough and give you the best treatment.
Am I good candidate for a Breast Revision Surgery?
An easy way to determine if Breast Revision Surgery is right for you is to look at the following criteria below. Do you have a…
- A desire to upgrade or exchange their breast implants to change from saline to silicone or vice-versa, or to change the shape/texture of the implants
- A desire for complete removal of the implant for a return to the original breast size
- Poor breast shape or lack of symmetry after augmentation
- Implant rupture or deflation
- Implant rippling
- Capsular contracture (hardened scar tissue formed around the implant)
There is no reason a woman should be left dissatisfied after breast augmentation/reduction. If you are not happy with your results, Dr. David M. Mosier can help with breast revision surgery. He is highly experienced in a variety of breast surgery procedures, and strives to come as close as possible to your desired look.
If this sounds like you, then a Breast Revision Surgery might be the right for you. Wanna learn more? Contact Cosmetic Surgery Center of Austin Today for your Free Consultation.
What Should I Expect After Breast Revision Surgery?
The good news is breast revision surgery recovery is usually shorter than breast augmentation. Within 4-5 days, you can return to regular work. For the first few days or weeks of recovery, we recommend wearing a special support bra. Dr Mosier always has your comfort in mind through your recuperation.
And of course if you have any questions at all throughout your recovery, please contact us. You are going to be so happy with results giving you the natural look you’ve been seeking. Contact Cosmetic Surgery Center of Austin Today for your Free Consultation.